Feedlot school by MU Extension set for August 29-30 in Kirksville

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This summer, the University of Missouri Extension in Kirksville is hosting a feedlot school aimed at teaching producers how to feed out their cattle rather than shipping them out of state.

“We will cover health, nutrition, economics; tour local feedlots; give producers opportunities to interact with representatives from local packing plants; and engage with MU Extension faculty,” said Eric Bailey, MU Extension state beef nutrition specialist.

The feedlot school will take place on August 29-30 in Kirksville, MO, and will be led by MU Extension livestock field specialist Zac Erwin. “We’ll teach everything from feedlot performance expectations to fat cattle marketing with tours of two confinement barns,” Erwin stated.

The Missouri Department of Agriculture’s Missouri Agricultural and Small Business Development Authority has provided grant funding to allow MU Extension to hold more feedlot schools.

“MU Extension has the goal of doubling the economic impact of agriculture in Missouri by 2030,” Bailey said. “Currently, 1.4 million out of 1.7 million beef calves raised in Missouri are harvested out of state. We can have a big impact on Missouri agriculture by increasing cattle feeding capacity now that a new harvest facility, American Foods Group (AFG), is coming to the state,” Bailey explained. A new beef packing plant is set to open in 2025 in Warren County.

“In addition to the new AFG packing plant in Missouri, there are existing plants within reasonable distances to northern Missouri for those looking for marketing outlets,” Erwin added. Representing one such plant, Brian Bertelson, Vice-President of Field Operations for US Premium Beef, will be part of the feedlot school agenda.

“There is a steep learning curve if you are traditionally cow/calf and looking to finish cattle, but there’s an opportunity, especially for young producers, to add value,” said Mike Erwin, Adair County farmer, and cattle feeder.

Erwin is one of the tour stops for the feedlot school. “Feedlot school is a great place to start if you want to feed cattle. The connections you can make with the speakers and other attendees and the information you can learn about what not to do is invaluable,” he noted.

MU Extension has been hosting feedlot schools since 2021, Bailey mentioned. “Seventy-eight percent of attendees have started or expanded their operations after attending a school.”

The Aug. 29-30 feedlot school in Kirksville will be held at White Oaks Barn, 23255 State Highway 11. The cost is $75 per person. More information is available at this link or by contacting the MU Extension Center in Adair County at 660-665-9866.

(Photo by University Missouri Extension)

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