Farmers’ Electric Cooperative Board of Directors appoint Don Smith as CEO

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The Farmers’ Electric Cooperative Board of Directors has chosen Don Smith as the new CEO. He began his role as CEO on September 18, 2023.

Don Smtih Farmers Electric CEO 2023
Don Smith

Don has over 30 years of experience in the public power industry, working at both municipal as well as cooperative distribution utilities. He recently worked as a General Manager with a small co-op in Wyoming but has relocated to Missouri to join the Farmers’ Electric Team! Don is a strong advocate of safety and ensuring people have the tools, equipment, and training they need to keep themselves and their coworkers safe.

While Don is excited to be here, Farmers’ Electric is equally as excited to have him! Don believes one of the most important qualities of a leader is to “listen to your people” whether a member or an employee.

Members can read more about Don Smith and his background in the November issue of their Rural Missouri magazine.

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