Environmental Protection Agency approves E15 for year round use in 2024

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The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency issued a proposed rule in response to a plan put forth by Gov. Mike Parson and seven other Midwest governors to ensure drivers have access to year-round fuel containing 15 percent ethanol (E15) starting in 2024. 

“We applaud Gov. Parson and his counterparts for working within the law to ensure drivers have access to lower-cost, lower-emission E15,” noted Missouri Corn Growers Association President Clint Stephens of Advance. “Higher ethanol blends help improve the environment, save consumers money at the pump, and support a homegrown market.” 

In December, Gov. Parson joined other Midwest governors who petitioned EPA to request a waiver through the Clean Air Act for lower-volatility gasoline during summer months. According to the act, EPA has 90 days to approve the governors’ plans. It took EPA more than 10 months from the initial request to issue this proposed rule, delaying implementation until 2024. 

A group of U.S. senators, including Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO), submitted a letter requesting EPA take immediate action to prevent disruption during the 2023 driving season. Last month, Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey joined his counterparts in a similar letter, calling for EPA to act on the request. 

“We thank Gov. Parson, Attorney General Bailey, and Sen. Hawley for their efforts in urging EPA to use existing authority to prevent market disruption,” Stephens continued. “However, we are disappointed action was not taken to address the upcoming 2023 summer driving season. We encourage President Biden to step in so motorists can continue to have access to the cost-saving fuel.” 

Last year, as the nation faced fuel supply challenges, President Biden directed EPA to use existing agency authority to prevent a disruption in E15 availability between June 1 and Sept. 15. As a result, continued availability of E15 increased the nation’s fuel supply and saved drivers an average of 16 cents per gallon nationwide. 

The use of E15 was approved by EPA in 2011 for all 2001 and newer vehicles, accounting for more than 96% of vehicles on the road today.

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