Election Results: Special elections bring tax changes to some north Missouri counties

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Special elections were held on August 8 in Livingston County, Chillicothe, Gallatin, the Jamesport Tri-County School District, and Linn County Public Water Supply District Number 1.

Livingston County voters approved a three percent sales tax on all retail sales of adult-use marijuana sold in the county. There were 606 votes in favor and 92 against the county sales tax.

Chillicothe and Gallatin’s voters also approved a three percent sales tax on all retail sales of adult-use marijuana sold in their respective cities. The vote on the Chillicothe sales tax was 377 in favor and 63 against. For Gallatin, the vote was 69 in favor and eight against.

Jamesport Tri-County voters approved the continuation of an existing temporary operating tax levy of 25 cents per $100 of assessed valuation through the tax year 2033. Total votes from Daviess, Livingston, and Grundy counties were 62 in favor and 20 against. In Daviess County, 49 votes were cast in favor of Jamesport Tri-County continuing the temporary operating tax levy, and 15 votes were cast against it. In Livingston County, 13 votes were cast in favor, and five were cast against it. No votes were cast among the 54 registered voters for the Jamesport Tri-County School District in Grundy County.

Voters in Linn County Public Water Supply District Number 1 approved the issuance of waterworks system revenue bonds for $2 million to extend and improve the waterworks system of the district. There were 63 votes in favor and two against the bond issue.

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