Daviess County Junior Livestock show results

Junior Livestock Show Version 2
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In the beef show at the Daviess County Junior Livestock event, Makenzee Epperson exhibited the overall grand champion and reserve grand champion bulls. The Daviess County grand champion was an entry by Sullivan Bird.

The overall Grand Champion heifer was Kenzie Milligan. The reserve grand champion was entered by Emma Henderson. She also had the champion heifer among Daviess County entries.

In the beef market competition, Thane Sloan had the grand champion with Tyler Sloan winning the reserve champion honor.

Champions also were named in ten different breeds.

Showmanship awards in three age groups were won by Makenzee Epperson, Abigail Clark, and Xander Story. A beef herdsmanship award went to Sullivan Bird.

In poultry at the show in Gallatin, the overall grand champion was a bantam shown by Abigail Smith. The reserve champion was the chicken shown by Lance Jacobs.

Paxton Boyles had the grand and reserve champion entries in waterfowl. Showmanship awards went to Abigail Smith, Jacob Smith, and Paxton Boyles. Jacob Smith also won a herdsmanship award.

Showmanship awards for entries involving dogs went to Lyndsey King, Abigail Clark, and Kealy Johnson. Beginning novice awards went to King and Clark.

Rabbits also were entered at the Daviess County show.

The grand champion was shown by Ashley Chalfant; the reserve champion went to Caitlyn Chalfant. Tyler King was the Daviess County champion and reserve champion for his rabbits. Showmanship awards were won by Ashley Chalfant, Adeline Johnson, and Mallory Chalfant. The herdsmanhip award went to the Chalfant family.

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