Court news from Grundy County associate division on September 24, 2024

Associate Division Grundy County Court News
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A Trenton resident appeared in Grundy County Circuit Court on Tuesday, facing multiple felony charges related to a September 7 robbery at 7th Heaven Convenience Store.

During the hearing, bond for Jacob Anthony Grimes was set at $500,000 cash. Following his arrest on September 11, Grimes has been held without bond. He has been ordered to have no contact with the victims. The case has been continued until October 8.

Grimes faces several charges, including robbery, burglary, unlawful use of a weapon, possession of burglary tools, three counts of assault, two counts of stealing, receiving stolen property, and armed criminal action.

In a separate case, Patrick Andrew Champlin of Trenton pleaded guilty to violating an order of protection for an adult on September 22. The protection order was issued by a court in Scottsdale City, Arizona. Champlin, who had been arrested on September 22, received credit for two days served in jail prior to his court appearance. The case involved a plea agreement, with Champlin ordered to pay $100 to the law enforcement restitution fund, along with court costs.

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