“Constitution Day Camp” set to begin July 25th at Dockery Park in Gallatin

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A camp will be held in Gallatin for children seven to 14 years old to learn about the Revolutionary War period. Constitution Day Camp will be held at Dockery Park from July 25th through 29th from 8 am to noon.

Participants will present the musical “Take Your Hat Off When the Flag Goes By” to parents that Friday at 7 pm. They will also share what they have learned.

During the camp, there will be enactments of events like the Boston Tea Party, Paul Revere’s ride, and the surrender at Yorktown. There will be games, recipes, planting and harvest information, and skills such as spinning and dyeing clothing using available resources.

Friday Founders Day will include men from history visiting and sharing their stories.

The event is supported by the VFW, local officials, educators, churches, businesses, and auxiliaries.

Register for Constitution Day Camp at My Hunny’s Kitchen in Gallatin. A camp fee of $20 covers snacks, handouts, and t-shirts.

More information on the event from July 25th through 29th can be obtained by emailing constitutiondaycamp@yahoo.com.

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