Chillicothe City Council approves contract and ordinance at Monday meeting

Chillicothe City Hall
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The Chillicothe City Council April 24th approved a contract and an ordinance regarding a sewer line rehabilitation project. City Administrator Roze Frampton reports the contract is with Simco Contracting Group LLC for $377,492.

The council discussed adding a marijuana sales tax to the August ballot. She says there was a consensus that council members want to put a three percent sales tax on recreational marijuana on the August ballot. An ordinance will be considered at the next meeting that would call for the election and have the ballot language.

It was announced a hearing will be held on April 27th at 9 am to consider a recount for the Chillicothe City Council’s First Ward. It was previously announced the April 4th election ended in a tie for candidates Reedy Dupy and Dowell Kincaid.

Frampton reports a petition has been filed to request a recount, and Judge Drew Davis will hear the petition. She explains that, based on what the city attorney has said, if the judge orders a recount, the election authority would conduct it. The results would go to the judge, and the judge would instruct the election authority to certify the results. The city council would also accept the election results.

A special election is scheduled for the First Ward position on June 6th. Frampton says if there was a recount, and there was a declared winner, the city would go through the proper channels and procedures to cancel the election.

In an executive session on April 24th, the council approved authorizing an amendment to the city administrator’s employment agreement.

City Clerk Amy Hess reports the amendment involved a one-year performance review with a five percent salary increase. It was previously reported City Administrator Rozanne Frampton started in the position on May 1st, 2022. Her annual base salary was initially reported at $112,000.

Frampton previously served 23 years as the Chillicothe city clerk.

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