Chillicothe City Council accepts bids for park projects and approves new ordinances

Chillicothe City Website 2023
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The Chillicothe City Council approved four ordinances on May 13.

Two ordinances accepted the lowest responsible bids for the parking lot asphalt overlay at Danner Memorial Park and the replacement of the roof on the Chillicothe Street Department building at 30 South Mitchell Avenue. City Clerk Amy Hess reported that the accepted bid for the asphalt overlay was from Capital Paving for $181,360 with the prevailing wage increase. The accepted bid for the roof replacement was from Freedom General Contracting for $49,750.

Drafted meeting minutes showed that another ordinance added an article to a chapter of the city code for a lead ban in plumbing.

The fourth ordinance authorized the purchase of Parks and Recreation Department concession supplies for the fiscal year 2024-2025. Hess reported that the department will purchase from three vendors to get the products it wants.

The council approved a local records program disposition list from Cindy Hanavan with the Chillicothe Police Department.

Nick Lawler with Hoeffer Welker gave a presentation on the design of the new police facility. Hess said there was some concern about parking for the public. That will be taken into consideration, and Hoeffer Welker will come back with ideas to address that.

The animal ordinance was discussed involving possibly banning roosters, having a license fee for having chickens or hens and limiting eight chickens or hens per household. The selling of eggs would be permitted. City Attorney Robert Cowherd would revise the current ordinance, and it would be presented at the next council meeting on May 28.

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