Chairman elected at Trenton City Hall for various committees

Trenton, Missouri sign at entrance to city
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Chairmen were elected at committee meetings at the Trenton City Hall on April 19th.

City Administrator Ron Urton reports those elected as chairmen were John Dolan for the Finance Committee, Danny Brewer for the Administrative Committee, and Duane Urich for the Economic Development and Utility committees. The Finance, Administrative, and Economic Development committees each include four council members. The Utility Committee is comprised of the three chairmen of the other committees.

Urton says the Utility Committee approved moving forward with repairs to the C02 tank at the water treatment plant at an estimated cost of $10,100. Funds will come out of the maintenance account.

Three Trenton City Council members were physically present at the meetings on April 19th. They were David Mlika, Glen Briggs, and Danny Brewer. Mayor Linda Crooks and three other council members attended via Zoom. The council members attending by Zoom were John Dolan, Lance Otto, and Robert Romesburg.

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