Carport and vehicle destroyed by fire at residence on Maple Street in Chillicothe

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Fire Saturday afternoon in Chillicothe extensively damaged the Ted and Norma Blankenship residence at 1308 Maple Street.

A carport was destroyed and a car was a total loss; however, both residents were able to safely exit the home and vehicle.

According to Chillicothe Fire Chief Eric Reeter, Norma Blankenship was planning to leave the residence to go to a store when she started a 2001 model car that was parked in an attached carport, the vehicle backfired, and immediately caught fire with the flames quickly spreading to the residence.

Upon arrival, firefighters saw a large amount of fire in the carport area with flames were spreading to the residence. Approximately 10,000 gallons of water and foam were used to extinguish the blaze. Reeter said there was significant fire, smoke, and heat damage to the residence. No injuries were reported.

Firefighters were on the scene for more than two hours. The Red Cross was contacted to help with shelter needs.

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