Cape Girardeau man sentenced to 14+ years in prison for selling fentanyl

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U.S. District Judge Stephen N. Limbaugh Jr. on sentenced a Cape Girardeau, Missouri man to 175 months in prison for selling fentanyl.

Jimmy L. Hudson Jr., 47, pleaded guilty last year to distribution of fentanyl. He admitted selling fentanyl in April of 2023 to an informant working for the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA).

This latest case represents Hudson’s third federal drug-trafficking conviction, according to court documents. At the time he sold the fentanyl, Hudson was on federal supervised release stemming from a 2015 conviction for distributing methamphetamine.  After serving the nearly 15-year sentence, Hudson will once again be placed on supervised release.

The DEA investigated the case.  Assistant U.S. Attorney Jack Koester handled the prosecution for the government.    

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