Candidate vetting by Grundy County Republican Party announced

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The Grundy County Republican Central Committee is finalizing the vetting process for local candidates who plan to seek a Republican nomination for a Grundy County office this year.

Republican candidates will be required to undergo vetting by the committee. Vetting interviews are scheduled from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. on the nights of February 19th, 20th, and 22nd. It is noted that other interview dates can be arranged in March. All interested candidates should contact Grundy County Republican Party Chairman Becky McDonald at (660) 654-1482, of rural Galt, to schedule their interview with the vetting committee.

Vetting is the process of assessing a person’s suitability for a particular office. This typically involves conducting background checks and verifying references.

According to the Secretary of State’s office, for the Missouri elections this year, the filing period for candidates from all parties opens on February 27th and closes one month later, on March 26th. The primary election on August 6th nominates candidates for the November 5th general election. Candidate filings will be accepted for county, district, and statewide offices.

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