Candidate filing kicks off for August primary elections

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Candidate filing started today (Tuesday) for the August 6 primary election.

Grundy County candidate filings, as of Tuesday morning, include incumbent Don Sager and Kevin Ireland for First District Commissioner, and Bryan Johnson and incumbent Brad Chumbley for Second District Commissioner. Incumbent Dewayne Slater filed for Coroner, incumbent Adria Moore for Public Administrator, and incumbent Rodney Herring for Sheriff. All Grundy County candidates are from Trenton and are Republicans.

Livingston County candidate filings include Dennis Lloyd Hicks of Wheeling for East District Commissioner, and Bryce Anderson of Ludlow and William Ropp of Chillicothe for West District Commissioner. Dustin Tyler Woelfle of Chillicothe filed for Sheriff, incumbent Diana Havens of Chillicothe for Collector-Treasurer, William Thieme of Chillicothe for Assessor, incumbent Geraldine Curtis of Chillicothe for Public Administrator, and Nathan Zabka of Chillicothe for Coroner. Natalie Jane Stephens of Chillicothe filed for Chillicothe Township Committeewoman, and Jeremy Clevenger of Chillicothe as a Chillicothe Township Committeeman. All Livingston County candidates are Republicans.

For those seeking the office of Circuit Judge, Steven Hudson of Trenton and Matt Krohn of Princeton filed for the Third Circuit. Incumbent Terry Tschannen of Brookfield for the Ninth Circuit. Incumbent Ryan Horsman of Chillicothe filed for Division One of the 43rd Circuit, and Daren Adkins for Division Two of the 43rd Circuit. Candidates for area circuit judge positions are Republicans.

Incumbent Republican Mazzie Christensen of Bethany filed for State Representative for District 2. Incumbent Republican Danny Busick of Newtown for State Representative for District 3.

Incumbent Republican Sam Graves of Tarkio filed for election as United States Representative for District 6. Others filing as Republicans for U.S. Representative for District 6 include Freddie Griffin Junior of Hamilton and Brandon Kleinmeyer of Kansas City. Filing as Democrats are Erik Richardson and Rich Gold, both of Mexico.

Candidates filing for U.S. Senator include Republicans December Harmon of Columbia, Lucas Kunce of Independence, and Karla May of Saint Louis. W.C. Young of Kansas City filed as a Libertarian for U.S. Senator.

Candidate filing will continue until March 26 at 5 p.m.

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