Building and Nuisance Board advances five properties, grants three extensions

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The Trenton Building and Nuisance Board made progress on several properties during its meeting Monday night. Actions were taken to move five properties forward, while three received additional time to complete the necessary work.

Two downtown properties, located at 907 Main Street and 909 Main Street, which are owned by an out-of-state resident, were scheduled for public hearings next month. Other properties set for hearings in October include 601 Pleasant View, 1711 Mable Street, and 1610 Cedar Street.

Three properties received 30-day extensions due to ongoing work. These properties include 608 West 10th Street, 2418 Fisherman Road, and 120 Highland Street.

The city-owned property at 2415 Webster Street was addressed as well. Following a recommendation by building inspector Wes Barone, the board took steps to prepare the location for demolition. The property was advanced to the findings of fact category, and the board also voted to issue a dangerous building certificate.

All motions on these properties passed unanimously, with a vote of six to nothing.

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