Bright Futures Trenton can provide kids with a good night’s sleep utilizing their “Beds for Bulldogs” program

Bright Futures Website
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Bright Futures Trenton has an initiative called Beds for Bulldogs.

Bright Futures Volunteer Co-coordinator Terri Critten says the program had a great start at the beginning of the year. Three beds have been provided since the kick-off of the initiative.



Critten notes it costs about $400 to provide a six-piece bed set to a student in need of a bed. The set includes a bed frame, a mattress, a mattress cover, sheets, a pillow, and a comforter.

Donations for Beds for Bulldogs can be mailed to Bright Futures Trenton at Post Office Box 593 in Trenton. They should be designated that they are for the Beds for Bulldogs program.

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