Beef Quality Assurance certification sessions to be held in Trenton and Princeton

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Several major meatpackers require Beef Quality Assurance (BQA) certification from all fed cattle suppliers.

It is predicted that the requirement will trickle down to all levels of cattle producers in the next few years. Beef producers may become certified by attending one of two upcoming meetings in Princeton and Trenton taught by Jenna Monnig, Livestock Specialist with MU Extension. The certification is good for three years. Meeting times and locations are as follows:

Oct. 29 from 6:30-8 pm at the Mercer County Fair Building, 505 S. Steward St. Princeton, MO

Nov. 3 from 6:30-8 pm at the NCMC Barton Farm Campus 96 SE 8th Ave. Trenton, MO

In order to produce a quality, wholesome, and safe beef product for consumers, all sectors of the beef industry need to do their part. These meetings will update producers on implementing BQA practices and answer continuing questions on packer requirements and FDA regulations.

All attendees will be required to wear masks or face coverings and social distancing protocols will be followed.

The meetings are free to attend, but you must pre-register due to social distancing space requirements. Register by calling the Mercer County Extension Office 660-748-3315 or by emailing Jenna Monnig

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