Back to School event to be held at Mercer County Fairgrounds

Back To School
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The Mercer County Health Department and the Mercer County Ministerial Alliance will host a Back to School Event at the Mercer County Fairgrounds in Princeton.

The event will be held at the small softball fields at the lower fairgrounds Friday evening July 27th from 5:30 to 8 o’clock. Public Health Nurse Natalie Mounce says the activities will include bounce houses and a dunk tank where attendees can dunk school officials from the schools in Princeton and Mercer as well as the Princeton mayor.

There will also be booths providing various information, food, and face painting. Each booth will also have a carnival game with booths providing participants with tickets for stopping by. Participants need ten tickets in order to get school supplies, which will be handed out between 6:30 and 6:45.

Parents will have to sign waivers for their children on the west side of the small field in order to receive a wristband and roam around the activities. Everything will be free, except for sports teams selling T-shirts and other items to raise money for their teams.

There will be door prizes, which will include tickets to a Royals game, Adventureland, Schlitterbahn, and the Kansas City Zoo and the Christian band Mercy’s Bridge will perform at the fairgrounds following the Back to School Event.

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