Audio: Trenton R-9 School District transitions to PowerSchool software for grades, records and student data

Trenton R-9 School District
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The Trenton R-9 School District is transitioning from the Tyler Student Information System to PowerSchool software.

Superintendent Daniel Gott explains Tyler SIS was what the district used to keep track of student data, such as attendance, records, and grades. PowerSchool is the same type of system.

Gott says Trenton R-9 used Tyler for about 16 years, but the company is leaving the student information system business. He comments the district had to change, it researched three or four options, and it felt like PowerSchool was the right fit.

He calls it a “pretty difficult” transition with changing from one system to another and learning a new system.



Gott notes there will be a different app for PowerSchool than there was with Tyler SIS. As soon as the district is done with the transition process, a link is to be available on the Trenton R-9 website and Facebook page to register for the system. Email addresses the district had through Tyler were transferred to PowerSchool, and an email will also be sent to enroll students and get other information needed.



Gott reports the district’s goal is to have the transition completed by August 7th. Parents do not need to do anything now or to prepare for the transition.

He says parents will be able to enroll students for the upcoming school year with PowerSchool. He explains every year former and new students have to enroll. Online registration has been used the last few years.



Gott says the district can assist parents if they need help with registering. They can call the office at the building where they are registering students and get instructions. If they come in to receive help, they will complete online registration on a computer.

Student enrollment help will also be provided at the Bright Futures Trenton Back to School Event at Trenton High School August 10th.

Gott notes that class registration was done by counselors and administrators in each building.



Gott is asking patrons to bear with Trenton R-9 as it transitions to PowerSchool.

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Jennifer Thies

Jennifer’s interest in radio began at a young age. She started as a news reporter at KTTN in January 2017, but previously worked almost a year and a half as an on-air announcer and with news at the NPR affiliate KXCV/KRNW, which serves Northwest Missouri. Jennifer was born and raised in St. Joseph, Missouri. She received a Bachelor of Science in Mass Media: Broadcast Production with an Emphasis in Audio Production from Northwest Missouri State University in Maryville.