Audio: Trenton R-9 School District Superintendent Mike Stegman discusses free lunches during COVID-19 closure

Trenton R-9 School District
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The Trenton R-9 School District is providing to all children, ages 18 and under, curbside lunch pick up this week and next as long as orders are called to the district.

Trenton school Superintendent Mike Stegman was a guest on KTTN’S Open Line and discusses, in part, how the lunches were made available free of charge.



Assistant Principals will be taking phone orders for the meals with calls to be made to the school between 8 and 9:30 each weekday to one single number 359-4643.



Some students who reply on bus transportation to and from school may have an issue in getting to the high school circle drive to receive their meal, then Stegman discussed Trenton’s parents who have prepaid for the school lunch program.




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