Audio: Trenton brush dump to have extended hours during cleanup week

Brush Dump
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To assist volunteers working on cleanup week in Trenton, the city of Trenton brush dump will be available including extended hours for this Saturday. On Saturday, May 7th brush dump hours are from 9 am to 3 pm.

Trenton Area Chamber of Commerce Ambassador Jeannie Griffin was a guest on KTTN’s Open Line:



To assist volunteers doing the cleanup work, Rapid Removal Disposal has provided a dumpster to collect the bags of debris. The dumpster location in Trenton was not publicly announced but can be obtained by calling the Trenton Area Chamber of Commerce office. Volunteers also are asked to provide their own trash bags.

On another topic, there will not be a recycling opportunity this week in Trenton unlike in prior springtime cleanups.

Jeannie Griffin explained during the interview on Monday:




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