Audio: Trenton Area Ministerial Alliance to hold fundraiser for Good Samaritan Fund

Ministerial Alliance
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The Trenton Area Ministerial Alliance will have a baked potato bar, chili, and a homemade pie auction on February 17th to raise money for its Good Samaritan Fund. Sharing from the Heart will be at the Activity Center of the First Assembly of God Church of Trenton from 5 to 7 p.m.

Joe MacDonald is the part-time pastor at Hodge Presbyterian Church of Trenton and also the president of the ministerial alliance. He says the pie auction will start at about 5:45.



Anyone can donate a homemade pie for the auction. Pies to be donated should be brought to the First Assembly of God Activity Center on February 17th at 4 pm.

MacDonald asks that anyone donating a pie should label it.



He reports last year’s pie auction may have been the most successful ever. About $6,000 or $7,000 was raised, and one pie was auctioned for $1,000.

Attendees can eat and pay what they want for the baked potato bar and chili.

Money raised from February 17th’s event will go to the Good Samaritan Fund. MacDonald says the fund helps community members with things like rent, security deposits, and utilities.

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