Audio: Trenton Area Chamber of Commerce to sponsor annual cleanup week

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The Trenton Area Chamber of Commerce will sponsor the Annual Cleanup Week in Trenton from May 1st through 6th.

Chamber President Debbie Carman says the chamber wants the city to shine for graduations, Mother’s Day, and Memorial Day. She hopes it will also look good throughout the summer.



The chamber is seeking help in the cleanup efforts from businesses, organizations, churches, individuals, and families.

The chamber is in charge of designating streets and areas of Trenton that community members can clean. Carman notes the chamber cannot assign volunteers to go on private property for insurance reasons, however, she says it is a good time for residents to clean yards. She encourages groups who have their own trash bags to use them. If groups do not have their own bags, they can contact the chamber. The chamber has a limited supply of bags available.

Chamber Ambassador Jeanie Griffin says Rapid Removal will provide a dumpster for Cleanup Week, which will be available to volunteers cleaning designated areas. Volunteers can contact the chamber to find out where the dumpster will be. Griffin notes the chamber does not want to publicly announce the location of the dumpster because there have been things put in the dumpster in the past that should not have been. She explains the chamber wants to somewhat control what is put in the dumpsters.



The city will also open its brush disposal on Northwest 27th Street west of the trap and skeet range. It will be open for Trenton and Grundy County residents May 1st through 5th from 6:30 to 2:30 and will also be available May 6th. Griffin says it is not for commercial contractors.

The brush disposal does not allow grass clippings or bagged leaves. It does accept small branches and limbs that will fit into its chipper.  Chamber ambassadors will also clean an area during Cleanup Week.



Community members who would like to be assigned a street or an area as part of Cleanup Week May 1st through 6th or general information about the event can call the Trenton Area Chamber of Commerce at 660-359-4324.

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