Audio: Trenton Area Chamber of Commerce to host father-daughter dance

Father (Daddy) Daughter Dance News Graphic (Generic version)
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The Trenton Area Chamber of Commerce will hold a father-daughter dance for girls three to 12 years old and their fathers. The “Jumping Jungle Jive”-themed event will be in the Trenton High School Commons on April 29th from 6 to 8 pm.

Chamber President Debbie Carman says a grand march will start at 6:15 pm.



Dave Burkeybile will provide the music. Refreshments and pictures will also be provided.

Carman said that in past years, girls have arrived at the dance shy and hanging on to their fathers, but they leave excited after they have had fun, been with friends, and danced.

Tickets for the father-daughter dance on April 29th are $25.00 per daddy-daughter duo if bought before April 21st. Tickets will then cost $30.00 per duo. Each additional daughter costs $5.00.

Tickets are available at the Trenton Area Chamber of Commerce office.

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