Audio: Severe cold wave sweeps Trenton, wind chill warning until January 16

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Extreme cold temperatures and wind chills have prompted the National Weather Service to issue a wind chill warning for the area, effective from Friday evening, January 12th, until January 16th.

Spencer Mell, a meteorologist with the National Weather Service, explains that a wind chill warning is issued when there are prolonged periods of wind chills below -15 degrees, or shorter periods with wind chills below -25 degrees.



February 2021 witnessed a similar prolonged cold in the area. According to KTTN weather records, Trenton experienced temperatures below 0 degrees on February 7th and 8th, 2021, and from February 12th through 17th. The high on February 15th was -1 degrees.

The most recent instance of temperatures below 0 in Trenton was on December 22nd and 23rd, 2022, with the high on December 22nd recorded at -1 degree.

Mell offers advice on how residents can prepare for the extreme cold and shares tips for safeguarding homes.



It is important not to forget to prepare vehicles for the extreme cold, as well as to know the necessary steps to take if stranded inside a vehicle.



A slight warm-up is predicted for January 17th and 18th, although it’s unlikely that air temperatures will rise above freezing during this period. Another wave of extreme cold is possible next weekend.

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