Audio: Senate agrees to retirement bill changes; sends to Governor for consideration

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The Missouri Legislature has passed a retirement systems bill. As a result of teacher shortages, this bill would loosen restrictions on retired teachers working. It also would allow retired teachers or retired non-certified employees to work up to four years full-time. Chillicothe Republican Senator Rusty Black explains.



“99.9% of that would fall in the category of public schools in our state. There are a couple of other employers that participate in the system, and they are not on the PSRS side of the system, which is the certified side. They represent the non-certified side for somebody like me, the bus driver, the person that mows the yard, cooks, etc.”

Another provision added to the bill would allow specific retirees, who chose a same-sex partner as a beneficiary for lifetime benefits, to have their monthly amount increased to what they would have received had they chosen not to receive reduced benefits. The bill heads to the Governor for consideration.

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