Audio: Potential changes to Missouri school enrollment on the horizon

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The Missouri State Legislature is set to see a renewed push next year to establish open enrollment across the state. State Representative Brad Pollitt is spearheading a bill that would enable K-12 public schools to decide whether to accept students from neighboring school districts. Pollitt, a Republican representing Sedalia in western Missouri, argues that one major concern with his proposal is the potential for it to necessitate the consolidation of some schools.



Pollitt stated, “I’ve had significantly more feedback from parents preferring to move from larger suburban schools to smaller rural ones. In Missouri, there’s a clear preference for rural public school education. I believe many rural public schools will choose to participate and, as a result, will see an increase in their student population.”

For the past three years, Pollitt’s bill has consistently passed in the House but failed to advance in the Senate.

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