Audio: North Central Missouri College hosts “Roll Call” to honor veterans

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On November 10th, North Central Missouri College (NCMC) in Trenton honored Veterans Day with a roll call event on campus. During this event, student leaders read out the names of 489 living and deceased veterans and active-duty military members with connections to the college and the local community.

NCMC Trustee John Holcomb detailed the history of Veterans Day. He explained that the Armistice ending World War I was signed with Germany on November 11, 1918, in France at 11:11 a.m. Initially known as Armistice Day, the day commemorated those who sacrificed their lives in World War I. Toward the end of World War II, there was a push to expand the holiday to include all veterans. In 1954, Congress passed a bill to broaden the holiday’s scope and rename it Veterans Day.

Holcomb highlighted that NCMC’s roll call event is one of many weekend activities to celebrate Veterans Day.



Diane Lowrey, another NCMC Trustee, recognized many of the names read during the roll call. She acknowledged the significant contributions of these military members to the community and stated that veterans deserve gratitude every day, not just on Veterans Day.

Twenty NCMC students are receiving veterans benefits, including veterans, their dependents, and spouses of veterans and active military personnel.

The event also featured a color guard from the Army National Guard, and NCMC Instructor Amy Guthrie performing the National Anthem. NCMC observed a moment of silence for veterans on the afternoon of November 10th at 1 p.m.

Pirates Digital Media provided a live stream of the roll call event on its website.

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