Audio: North Central Missouri College holds “Roll Call Event” to honor veterans and active military

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The names of 482 veterans and active military were read at a Roll Call Event on the North Central Missouri College campus in Trenton on November 11th.

Air Force Veteran and NCMC Staff Member Cory Cooksey and student leaders read the names of the service members with ties to NCMC, Trenton Junior College, and/or the local community.

NCMC President Doctor Lenny Klaver recognized 23 NCMC students who receive veterans benefits. That includes dependents and spouses of those serving or who have served.

Klaver quoted United States President Woodrow Wilson’s address from November 11th, 1919, which was one year after World War 1 ended.



More than 20 million people lost their lives in World War 1. Vice President of Academic Affairs Doctor Tristan Londre acknowledged that some people called World War 1 “The war to end all wars.”



Klaver asked those attending the Roll Call Event to thank veterans for their service.

Joseph L. Norton VFW Post 919 of Trenton provided a color guard for the program.

NCMC also observed a moment of silence at 1 o’clock to commemorate the signing of the Armistice marking the end of World War 1, which happened at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month in 1918.

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