Audio: North Central Missouri College holds morning commencement

North Central Missouri College Website V2 (NCMC)
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Trenton Hy-Vee Store Manager Chad Boyd spoke during North Central Missouri College’s morning commencement ceremony on May 6th for students receiving non-nursing associate degrees and certificates.

Boyd said he defines a good job or career by pay and happiness. He advised the graduates to not get “hung up” on pay, but instead to get “hung up” on enjoyment.

Boyd shared three ways to enjoy a job or career, the first is to have a positive mindset.



The second is to be a good leader, which Boyd described.



The last way to enjoy a job or career is to make a difference. He noted that it only takes one person to make a difference, and he asked the graduates if they would be that one person, noting that the future is bright for the graduates.



Student Senate President Carli Beck provided an evocation.

She asked the graduates to think back to their first day at NCMC. She said that she, herself, was “nervous, excited, optimistic,” and “uncertain.” Beck then had a fender bender, but her instructor met her with positivity and asked if she was okay.

Beck said that, two years ago, she would not have known how to describe how she felt as an NCMC Pirate, but now she does.



Beck added that NCMC has built a foundation for the graduates.

President Lenny Klaver reported NCMC has awarded more than 13,200 degrees since its start in 1925 as Trenton Junior College.

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