Audio: New lawsuit filed against owners of Circle Of Hope Girls Ranch

Boyd and Stefanie Householder Booking Photo
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The owners of the now-shuttered Circe of Hope Girls Ranch are facing another lawsuit, according to the Kansas City Star. 



Thirty-year-old Megan Drew of Oklahoma is accusing ranch operators Boyd and Stephanie Householder of sex trafficking, racketeering, fraud, and forced labor. She was sent to live at the fundamentalist Christian camp when she was a teenager. Drew’s allegations include being forced to perform sex acts, being forced to work without food or water breaks, and being forced to sign over her Social Security payments when her father died.

Nearly two dozen other lawsuits have been filed, including one by the Householder’s own daughter. The Householders are also facing 99 felony counts that include statutory rape, sodomy, and physical abuse.

(Booking photo courtesy of Missouri Attorney General’s Office)

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