Audio: Missouri man enters stranger’s home, asks for sex and pets cat

Booking photo of Marlee Robinson (Photo courtesy St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney's Office)
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A Missouri man is accused of entering a stranger’s home and asking for sex.



18-year old Marlee Robinson
18-year old Marlee Robinson 

According to the Maryland Heights Police Department, the incident happened on August 20 at the 2100 block of Renault Drive.

The victim told police she was awakened by someone banging on her apartment door. She went into her living room and found Marlee Robinson had entered her home.

When the woman asked who he was, Robinson reportedly asked if she wanted to have sex with him. Police said the woman told Robinson “no,” but he stayed at the home, continuing to ask her questions and even pet her cat.

Authorities said Robinson, who was later arrested, got angry and hit the woman’s closet, breaking the furniture and cutting himself in the process.

Robinson has been charged with first-degree burglary and second-degree property damage. Robinson remains incarcerated on $100,000 bail.

(Photo courtesy St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office)

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