Audio: Missouri community of Joplin offering $200 million package trying to land massive GM battery plant

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A growing southwest Missouri city is offering millions of dollars in tax incentives to General Motors (GM), in an effort to land a new GM factory. Reporter Ty Albright from our Joplin affiliate KZRG has the story.



Joplin Chamber of Commerce President Toby Teeter says the city is offering a $200 Million package of tax incentives and savings to GM after the company said they are looking to build a second battery-cell plant in the midwest.

The proposal claims it would provide 1,000 “high-paying” jobs on a 1,042-acre site at a 50% discount compared to competing markets.
It’s a similar proposal to the one made to Tesla for their new plant last year which also cites low median wages and experienced battery engineers in the area.

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