Audio: Missouri bill threatens murder charges for abortions

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(Missourinet) – Women in Missouri Could Face Murder Charges for Abortions Under Proposed Bill.



The proposed “Abolition of Abortion in Missouri Act,” sponsored by Republican legislators Bob Titus in the House and Mike Moon in the Senate, aims to extend criminal and civil protections to the unborn. This bill seeks to repeal state law provisions that “permit willful prenatal homicide or assault.” It would permit the use of duress as a legal defense for women charged with murder for undergoing an abortion and exempt abortions performed to save a woman’s life.

Following the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision last year, which overturned Roe v. Wade, allowing states to regulate abortion independently, Missouri banned almost all abortions within the state. However, several proposed constitutional amendments in Missouri aim to legalize abortions once again.

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Marshall Griffin

Marshall says his former job as State Capitol Reporter for St. Louis Public Radio has taught him the most. He had to learn first-hand about everything involved in how an idea becomes a bill and, in the end, a new law – and how to communicate that process to the listening audience.