Audio: Meet the candidates for 2nd District State Representative, Mazzie Boyd and Randy Railsback

Mazie Boyd and Randy Railsback (Photos from social media)
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Two candidates are seeking the Republican nomination for 2nd District State Representative which next year, will include five counties that include Caldwell, Daviess, Grundy, Harrison, and Worth. The primary election is August 2nd.

Mazzie Boyd and Randy Railsback were recently interviewed by KTTN News. Each was asked a series of questions with neither hearing the response of the other candidate.

We begin by asking each candidate for their background, with Mazzie Boyd going first. Each candidate was limited to two minutes per question.



Now we will hear from candidate Randy Railsback on his background:



KTTN asked each candidate for their qualifications beginning with Mazzie Boyd:



Now we will hear from candidate Randy Railsback on his background:



We asked Mazzie Boyd and Randy Railsback, in separately-recorded interviews, what they believe the issues are and how they would address them.

We will first hear from Mazzie Boyd:



Here’s Randy Railsback with his response to the question:



Those were comments of Randy Railsback whose time expired when the allotted two minutes were up.

(Photos from candidate’s social media accounts)

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