Audio: Jackie Soptic on being elected Mayor of Trenton, as well as her plans to “connect the dots.”

Jackie Soptic (Photo via Facebook Account)
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Jackie Soptic was elected as the new Mayor of Trenton on April 4, 2023.

She says she is “very grateful and very humbled by the support” of residents who voted for her, and that she attributes her win to her consistent message.



Soptic says she has already reached out to the Green Hills Animal Shelter Board and Trenton Police Department about a partnership between the two regarding the animal control officer position.



Soptic has also reached out to North Central Missouri Development Association Executive Director Scott Sharp. She wants to talk with the investors in the Eastgate Shopping Center and discuss what they want to accomplish.

Soptic plans to hold community breakfasts. The first one would be with economic development organizations and the Trenton City Council, and she hopes to have it scheduled by May 1st.

She says initially the community breakfasts would probably not be open to the public, especially when meeting with the economic development sector. That is because of the confidential information those organizations handle.  She plans to hold other community breakfasts that would be open to the public and also plans to have a monthly column in the Trenton Republican Times as well as a commentary recording every month on KTTN.

Because it is in her training and expertise, Soptic says she will focus on “connecting dots,” and she will continue to share information on Facebook.



The Facebook page will be renamed “Jackie Soptic, Mayor, City of Trenton,” and it will be a public page.

Soptic expressed her appreciation to the other candidates for Mayor, Nick McHargue and Tyler Willey. She thinks the campaign overall was “fairly positive,” and there was “no mudslinging” or “ill will” between the candidates.

She also appreciates encouragement from supporters.



Soptic says she looks forward to the challenge and opportunity to be Trenton’s Mayor. She will ask residents for their help and involvement, and she hopes residents will help her accomplish things for the community.

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