Audio: Hawley criticizes use of TikTok by Air National guardsman to promote military life

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(Missourinet) – Missouri U. S. Senator Josh Hawley wants to know why one branch of the military participated in a TV ad for TikTok. The ad features an Air National guardsman talking about how he uses his TikTok channel to inform viewers about information beneficial to members of the military.

Hawley calls it a big mistake to use the Chinese-based social media app for this:



“TikTok is banned at the federal level. No federal employee, and that includes D.O.D. personnel, can use TikTok, on any federal device, phone, tablet computer, nothing – federal contractors can’t use it. So I think to have a military member creating a TikTok channel and promoting government activity on the channel, I mean, that sends the wrong message.”

Hawley says we ought to be telling the public that TikTok is a backdoor for the Chinese Communist Party to gain access to users’ personal information and activities.

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