Audio: Gifted Group and Trenton Heroes team up for softball fundraiser against Trenton celebrities

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A softball game on September 9 will benefit the Gifted Group and Trenton Heroes. The Gifted Group and Trenton Heroes will play against celebrities at Griffin Field in the Ebbe Sports Complex of Trenton.

The opening ceremonies will start at 6 p.m., featuring Cub Scout Troop 23 presenting the flag and Rita Hanes singing the National Anthem. The game will follow immediately afterward.

Klaire Quimby, a team member of the Gifted Group/Trenton Heroes, and Chris Hodge, the principal at Trenton High School, will throw out the first pitch.

Dave Burkeybile will serve as the celebrity sports announcer, and Bulldog mascots will also be present.

The concession stand will open at 5:30 p.m.

In an interview with KTTN’s John Anthony, spokesperson Judie Leininger noted that the only charge for the event will be at the concession stand. Attendance is free, and donation buckets will be available. Leininger reported that the Gifted Group meets once a month, with funds going to both the Heroes and the Gifted Group for trips.



Spokesperson Joyce Trask discussed the lineup for the Gifted Group/Trenton Heroes and the celebrity teams.



Trask said that Jon and Amy Guthrie will coach the Gifted Group/Trenton Heroes team, and the umpires will be Daniel Gott and Joe MacDonald.

The September 9 softball game will be modified so that every player gets a chance to bat. The ball will be pitched to some players, while others will use a tee. Some players will also have pinch runners if they are unable to run the bases.

T-shirts for celebrities will be available at the concession stand on September 9.

Anyone interested in playing on one of the teams can contact Judie Leininger at 660-359-5123 or Joyce Trask at 660-635-0507. Brenda Thorne can also be reached at 660-654-0218. Alternatively, individuals can visit the concession stand at Griffin Field on the evening of September 9.

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