Audio: Crowder State Park to hold Winter Hike Challenge

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Crowder State Park west of Trenton will hold a Winter Hike Challenge to encourage exploration of the park’s trails. Park Resource Manager Anna Persell says the event is like a photo scavenger hunt. The challenge will run from December 18th through 27th.



The items will have a Christmas theme and  Persell notes participants cannot keep the items, however, a prize will be given to the person who finds the most items.



Pictures of the items and questions should be sent to Crowder State Park’s email address.

Crowder State Park has also changed an event originally to be held in-person to a virtual event. Persell will read a Christmas nature story and demonstrate Christmas nature crafts on December 12th from 10 o’clock to noon. The event will be streamed via Facebook Live on the Crowder State Park Facebook page.

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