Audio: Coon Creek Baptist Church serves more than 850 Thanksgiving meals

Coon Creek Baptist Church
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It was a very busy day for volunteers who took part in the annual Thanksgiving meal at the Union Coon Creek Baptist Church west of Trenton.

More than 850 meals were served at the church or delivered and Dianna Crawford provided details of events for the day.



Jim Bush reported on facebook there was a presentation Thursday at the Union Coon Creek Church. He said it was a framed photo of the group that attended the 174th anniversary of the rural church.  Receiving the photo were Pastor Doug Crawford and wife Dianna.

Jim Bush from Trenton Cinema was kind enough to provide photos from this year’s event. While we couldn’t post all 245 of them, we have posted a few for your viewing pleasure.


Coon Creek Baptist Church Thanksgiving 2018
Coon Creek Baptist Church Thanksgiving 2018
Coon Creek Baptist Church Thanksgiving 2018
Coon Creek Baptist Church Thanksgiving 2018
Coon Creek Baptist Church Thanksgiving 2018
Coon Creek Baptist Church Thanksgiving 2018
Coon Creek Baptist Church Thanksgiving 2018
Coon Creek Baptist Church Thanksgiving 2018
Coon Creek Baptist Church Thanksgiving 2018
Coon Creek Baptist Church Thanksgiving 2018
Coon Creek Baptist Church Thanksgiving 2018
Coon Creek Baptist Church Thanksgiving 2018
Coon Creek Baptist Church Thanksgiving 2018
Coon Creek Baptist Church Thanksgiving 2018
Coon Creek Baptist Church Thanksgiving 2018
Coon Creek Baptist Church Thanksgiving 2018

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