Audio: Christensen files new bills in state legislature during quiet week

Mazzie Christensen (Photo via Mazzie for Missouri website)
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Second District State Representative Mazzie Christensen of Bethany described this week in the state legislature as “fairly uneventful.” She mentioned that Jefferson City anticipated winter weather similar to that of Northwest Missouri, leading to each day being a technical session in the legislature.



Christensen reported filing several new bills this week, one of which addresses towns with populations under 500 that have incurred financial statement fines.



Kidder was the community that received such a fine, Christensen revealed. She highlighted her efforts to address this issue in a bill last year, which nearly passed.

She also introduced a House concurrent resolution urging Congress to reinstate mandatory country-of-origin labeling for meat in the United States, a repeat of her effort from last year.

Another bill she reintroduced aims to prohibit children from accessing sexually oriented businesses and adult performances.

Christensen filed additional bills requiring schools to adopt policies on materials deemed obscene or harmful to minors and mandating identification for accessing explicit websites. These measures, she believes, will protect children from premature exposure to certain content.

Governor Mike Parson’s upcoming State of the State address on January 24th is expected to influence many pending issues, Christensen noted.



The legislative session is anticipated to gain momentum towards the end of January, according to Christensen.

Constituents can reach her at 573-751-4285 or for inquiries or concerns.

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