Audio: Chillicothe Area Arts Council announces 2023-2024 season lineup

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The Chillicothe Area Arts Council will start its 2023-2024 season in November.

The Blue Velvet Jazz Band will perform on November 4th. Doors will open at the Gary Dickinson Performing Arts Center of Chillicothe at 6 o’clock, and the show will start at 7 o’clock.

On a recent Open Line with John Anthony on KTTN, Arts Council Administrator Mary Lou VanDeventer said the band is from the Macon and Kansas City areas. The lead vocalist is Highway Patrol Captain Steve Wilhoit.



VanDeventer mentioned the Chilli Arts Opry.

The concert will include instrumentals and maybe vocals.

Tickets for the show will cost $25 in advance or $30 at the box office on November 4th.

The next Chillicothe Area Arts Council season show will involve Hybrid Five performing for a Christmas celebration at the Turning Point Church of Chillicothe on December 2nd at 3 o’clock.

The show will involve the Doctor James Cockman family, which includes five children, who VanDeventer said have “wonderful voices.” They are also musicians.



Tickets for the concert on December 2nd will also be $25 in advance or $30 at the box office.

Three other Chillicothe Area Arts Council season shows are also planned. The shows will include the community chorus in June, Betty Preston Steele and Jamie Pauls on piano in September, and Central Standard and Vocal Standard in December 2024.

Additional events are also scheduled. They include “Celebrate Christmas” this December, a hymn sing in May, and “Celebrate Freedom” in July.

Season tickets cost $130 for adults, $100 for seniors, and $50 for students in kindergarten through college. There are also individual, business, and corporate memberships available.

The Chillicothe Area Arts Council’s 2023-2024 season will include three shows in 2024.

“Community Chorus presents Don’t Stop the Music” will be on June 23rd at 3 o’clock.

Arts Council Administrator Mary Lou VanDeventer says the chorus will be directed by Betty Preston Steele. Practices will start in April, and members do not have to audition.



“Betty and Jamie…Together Again” will be on September 28th at 7 o’clock.

Preston Steele and Jamie Pauls of Chillicothe will play duetting pianos. VanDeventer says each of them will play a grand piano.

She explains Preston Steele gave Paul piano lessons when he was younger until he graduated from high school and started college.



Central Standard and Vocal Standard will perform a cappella on December 7th, 2024 at 7 o’clock.

VanDeventer says Central Standard is made up of 40 to 45 male vocalists. She comments that the group was “excellent” when it was in Chillicothe about a year ago.



Two other Chillicothe Area Arts Council season shows are planned for the rest of 2023. They include the Blue Velvet Jazz Band on November 4th and Hybrid Five on December 2nd.

Some additional events are also scheduled for 2023-2024.

Season tickets cost $130 for adults, $100 for seniors, and $50 for students in kindergarten and college. Individual, business, and corporate memberships are also available.

The Chillicothe Area Arts Council has events planned for the end of this year and next year outside of its regular 2023-2024 season shows.

One is “Celebrate Christmas” at the Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church on the Grand River Museum’s lot in Chillicothe on December 16th at 3 o’clock.

Arts Council Administrator Mary Lou VanDeventer says the show will feature Doctor James Cockman accompanying her on Christmas songs.



“Hymn Sing and Praise” will be at the Gary Dickinson Performing Arts Center of Chillicothe on May 5th at 6 o’clock.

VanDeventer says Cockman will accompany the hymn portion of the program, and Jamie Pauls will accompany VanDeventer for the worship section. The show will be interactive.



Donations will be accepted for admission, and the donations will be applied to hymn sing expenses.

“Celebrate Freedom” will be at the Bethel AME Church on July 4th at 3 o’clock.

VanDeventer says Pauls will narrate the program, and Cockman will accompany her and the congregation on patriotic songs. She notes the songs will remind us how blessed we are to live in the United States and celebrate freedom.



The Chillicothe Area Arts Council 2023-2024 season has shows scheduled from next month to December 2024.

Call VanDeventer for more information at 660-646-1173, or email

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