Audio: Bright Futures Trenton celebrates volunteers and achievements at celebration luncheon

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Bright Futures Trenton Advisory Board members and Trenton R-9 school counselors spoke at the Bright Futures Trenton Volunteer Recognition and Celebration Luncheon on October 27.

Advisory Board Member Jeb Walker, a sergeant with the Trenton Police Department, retired from the Marines after 21 years of service. He expressed that his experiences have given him unique insight into the lives of children outside of school, both positive and negative.

Walker got involved with Bright Futures to contribute positively to the community. He emphasized that assisting children is rewarding.



Walker stated that making a positive impact on children’s lives is something no one would regret.

S. M. Rissler Elementary School Counselor Bethany Streiff introduced the new Food Pals program, noting that it operates on a monthly distribution schedule, unlike the weekly approach of Backpack Buddies. Parents collect food at a location separate from the Trenton R-9 campus.



Trenton High School Counselor Taylor Ormsby highlighted the Work for Success program, designed specifically for high school students. The program allows students to work off fees or earn free dual credit classes. She mentioned that one dual credit class is priced at $324, a significant amount for some families.

Students are required to complete 15 hours of unpaid work experience to qualify for one dual credit course.



Ormsby shared that over 100 items have been distributed from the Bright Futures Closet at the high school this academic year, including snacks, clothing, and hygiene products.

She also announced a career fair scheduled for March, expecting 35 to 40 presenters. Those interested in participating should reach out to her directly.

Trenton Middle School Counselor Leslie Woodard remarked on the influx of new students at TMS this year, many of whom come from low-income backgrounds.



The Champion and Partnership of the Year awards were presented at the Bright Futures Trenton Volunteer Recognition and Celebration Luncheon on October 27.

Kayla Graham was honored as the Champion of the Year.

Bright Futures Trenton Advisory Board Treasurer Kara Helmandollar commended Graham for her involvement with the Trenton High School Site Council and the Winter Booster Event. A previous donor, Graham recently joined the Advisory Board and assumed the role of co-chairperson for Food Pals alongside Chris Hoffman.



BTC Bank was recognized as the Partnership of the Year. Advisory Board Member Kristi Harris acknowledged BTC Bank’s contributions, including providing space for meetings and volunteering resources for various Bright Futures initiatives.



Bright Futures Trenton continues to offer programs and resources for students in Grundy County.

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