Audio: Bethany First Baptist Church organizes meal packing event for people of Haiti

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Meals will be packed in Bethany on July 9th for people in Haiti. Packing will start at the South Harrison Elementary School at 2 p.m.

Becky Adkins of Bethany serves on the Missions Board at Bethany First Baptist Church. She says the board looks for missions to serve locally and afar.

She has gone to Haiti three times and had a desire to see the Bethany community pack meals for the country. She knows Brad Johnson with Mission of Hope, and he was able to put Adkins in contact with the people in charge of doing meal packs.

This will be the first time she has helped with a meal pack, but she has seen videos about them.



Adkins says she saw firsthand a meal being served in Haiti when she helped with a Bible school there. She then read a statement from Mission of Hope about meal packs.



Volunteers have raised money to pay for the food to be packed at the South Harrison Elementary School, and they met their goal. Adkins notes it costs 35 cents per meal, and 20,000 meals are to be packed at the event.

She is seeking 100 volunteers, and she says anyone can help pack meals. Volunteers can just come to the school on July 9th or call Adkins ahead of time.

Monetary donations can also be made toward a future meal pack.

More information on volunteering on July 9th or donating toward a future event can be obtained by calling the Bethany First Baptist Church at 660-425-8087. Adkins can also be contacted at 660-373-9975.

(Photo by TopSphere Media on Unsplash)

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