Audio: 69 seniors graduate from Trenton High School in Saturday evening ceremony

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Tucker Otto is the Valedictorian and Lydia Leininger the Salutatorian of this year’s graduating Class at Trenton High School. They were among ten honor graduates announced during commencement exercises Saturday evening at C.F. Russell Stadium.

Here’s a condensed version of that recognition made by Trenton High School principal Chris Hodge.



Salutatorian Lydia Leininger spoke briefly.



Ms. Leininger said she can say the most through music. She then was joined by four other members of the senior class in performing a going away song called “Rivers and Roads.”



In addition to Leininger, others performing the song were graduating seniors Maurissa Bonta, Connor Campbell, Gabe Gamble, and Trent Villacampa.

Trenton Valedictorian Tucker Otto expressed his appreciation to teachers, coaches, and family. He also reflected on speeches he’s heard in recent days with common aspects he wanted to share, and he spoke about enjoying the passage of time.



Staff members Tyler Busick and Jackie Price were honored during the commencement program. Here again, is high school principal Hodge.



There were 69 seniors listed in the program for the Trenton High School commencement.

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