Arkansas man sentenced to 10 years in prison for exchanging nude pictures with a girl

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U.S. District Judge Rodney W. Sippel sentenced Joseph D. Najera, 26, of Lincoln, Arkansas, to five years in prison after he exchanged nude pictures with a minor. The sentence was handed down on Thursday, ranging from five to ten years.

In 2017, Najera met the victim, who was 12 years old, via Kik Messenger after sending her a friend request. Despite knowing her age, Najera sent her artwork depicting nudity, pornography, and graphic violence. He instructed her to create increasingly complex and sexual drawings. Najera also told the victim to perform sex acts during video chats and to make pornographic images and pictures, which he controlled through parental controls on her phone.

Najera exerted significant control over the victim, dictating her interactions at school, and approving her makeup, clothes, and hairstyle. They discussed meeting in person but never did.

Najera pleaded guilty in March to one felony count of coercion and enticement of a minor.

The investigation involved the FBI, the St. Charles County Cyber Crime Task Force, the St. Charles County Police Department, and the Montgomery City Police Department. Assistant U.S. Attorney Jillian Anderson is prosecuting the case.

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