8th-grade celebration at Trenton Middle School set for May 10

Trenton Missouri Middle School
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The 8th-grade celebration will be held Wednesday, May 10 from 3:30-5:30 at Trenton Middle School.

Chairperson for the event, Jenni Ottos says that they will be ordering shirts for the students and try to have some door prizes for them at the celebration. Monetary donations are being sought to offset the cost of the shirts and prizes. If you, a grandparent or business and would like to donate, please send your donations to the Trenton Middle School office.  The donation goal amount is $1300 and donations will be accepted until April 18.  Checks need to be made out to Jenny Otto.

Parents are also sought to provide baked goods for a cake walk.  You may contact Sarah Allen via text/call (660) 654-0619 if you would like to help with that.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me at jotto@trentonr9.k12.mo.us.

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