North Central Missouri Mental Health Center provides a variety of services

North Central Missouri Mental Health Center
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The North Central Missouri Mental Health Center provides a wide range of services across its nine-county service region for individuals aged five and older.

Outreach Specialist Madi Cutsinger of Trenton highlights that there are designated programs for both youth and adults.



Outreach Specialist Sara Montgomery of Brookfield notes that many mental health agencies do not assist with helping individuals maintain their independence and live in their own homes. Montgomery emphasizes that the center has doctors at all its locations who regularly see and listen to the needs of individuals. Additionally, the center has therapists facilitating services at all locations to help individuals overcome various challenges.



The North Central Missouri Mental Health Center also provides substance use programs. Cutsinger explains these programs can be divided into two groups.



The center offers resource alignment services. Montgomery explains that assistance is provided with utilities, housing, medical device needs, food, and animal care, however, this does not mean the agency directly pays for the resources.



The center houses an in-house pharmacy, Genoa, which works with doctors to serve clients. Montgomery mentions that medications can be mailed to clients, as many cannot drive and rely on the OATS bus. This service helps reduce the complications of obtaining medications.

The center provides numerous prescription assistance options.



The North Central Missouri Mental Health Center assists with some calls made to the 988 crisis line. Montgomery explains that someone is always available to de-escalate callers.



The North Central Missouri Mental Health Center’s administrative office is in Trenton. Fully-staffed offices are in Chillicothe and Brookfield, with satellite offices in Bethany, Gallatin, Milan, and Unionville.

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