Missouri executes David Hosier for 2009 double murder of the Gilpins

David Hosier (Photo by Missourians to Abolish the Death Penalty)
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David Hosier, 69, was executed Tuesday evening in Missouri for the 2009 killings of his former lover, Angela Gilpin, and her husband, Rodney Gilpin. The execution took place at the state prison in Bonne Terre, where Hosier was pronounced dead at 6:11 p.m. after receiving a single-dose injection of the sedative pentobarbital.

Hosier was convicted of murdering the Gilpins in a fit of rage after Angela Gilpin ended their romantic relationship and reconciled with her husband. Prosecutors described the killings as premeditated, highlighting Hosier’s anger and jealousy as motives.

As the lethal drug was administered, Hosier turned his head a couple of times and breathed heavily twice before all movement ceased. His spiritual adviser, the Rev. Jeff Hood, was seated beside him, offering prayers during the execution.

Throughout the trial and up until his execution, Hosier maintained his innocence, arguing that the conviction was based on circumstantial evidence. Despite his claims, the state proceeded with the execution, marking the end of a lengthy legal battle.

(Photo by Missourians to Abolish the Death Penalty)

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